College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Experiential Education FAQs

Q. What is Experiential Education?
Experiential Education is providing students the opportunity to participate in the provision of pharmacy services in a real life practice site. Student knowledge and skills build upon each didactic lecture and practice lab and then allow them begin participating in the provision of actual pharmacy practice services.

Q. What are the different types of Experiential Education?
Experiential Education is divided into two classifications by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE).

Q. What are IPPEs?
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) are those pharmacy practice experiences that enable students to build their required ability based outcomes from novice to mastery during their APPEs. IPPEs prepare students to actively participate in wide range of pharmacy services under the supervision of a preceptor / mentor. They will be able to go from theory to practice.

The ACPE requires a minimum of 300 hours of IPPE hours during a pharmacy student’s first three professional years (P1, P2, P3). Manchester University's Pharmacy Program is building a program with strong experiential training as described:

  1. IPPE I Community 140 hours
  2. IPPE II Institutional / Hospital 160 hours

Q. How are IPPE rotations designed?

  • IPPE I Community Pharmacy PHRM 370) (P1) (140 hours)

    • Two week focus community pharmacy experience (January P1 Year)
    • Longitudinal four hours per week community pharmacy experience scheduled either Tuesday or Thursday in afternoon (same pharmacy the two-week focus training occurred)

    IPPE II Institutional / Hospital Pharmacy PHRM 471 (P2) (160 hours)

    • Four week focus institutional or hospital pharmacy experience (January or June P2 Year)

Q. What national certifications are being designed into Manchester’s curriculum to prepare students for APPEs?
Through Advanced Clinical Skills courses, Manchester Pharmacy students will complete certification requirements in CPR and Immunizations (APhA).

Q. What are APPE rotations?
. APPEs (Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences) are designed for students to actively participate in the provision of pharmacy services during a variety of core and elective rotations during their fourth and final professional year (P4). These rotations will build upon the didactic learning, labs, and introductory experiences to help each student master knowledge and skills that will allow them to become competent pharmacy practitioners. Each rotation year begins in June and ends in the following April.

Q. What are the different core APPEs and how many are required?
A series of core APPE rotations are required for each student during their P4 year.

  • Advanced Community Pharmacy Experience
  • Advanced Hospital / Institutional Pharmacy Experience
  • Acute Care Experiences
  • Ambulatory Care Experiences

Q. What are examples of Elective APPE rotations and how many are required?
Each P4 student will complete four elective APPE rotations. Elective rotations are intended to introduce students to the variety of pharmacy career opportunities that await them and to allow them to focus their APPEs in their individual areas of interest. These electives could include additional core rotations. Some examples are: Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Infectious Disease, Nuclear Pharmacy, Managed Care, Pharmacogenomics, Oncology, Pediatrics, Research, National and State Organization Leadership, Industry, Drug Policy, Corporate Management

Q. What are some examples of expected activities during the experiential education rotations?
Each rotation is designed with experiences, objectives and outcomes specific to the year of the student’s active participation in the program. Earlier experiences will focus on the mechanics of pharmacy operations including utilizing the latest technology, inventory management / purchasing, insurance coverage, legal requirements of prescriptions, control drug management, processing prescriptions accurately and safely, providing drug information and patient consultations. Later experiences will prepare students to actively participate in all aspects of medication therapy management.

Q. How do students select rotations?
Prior to the beginning of each rotation year, preceptors will be contacted to identify the types and availability of pharmacy rotations. Descriptions will be submitted by preceptor / site and provided electronically to students.

Manchester University  hosts a Preceptor Showcase where preceptors and students are able to discuss potential rotations. This event provides an opportunity for preceptors to share with students what rotations are available at their sites and what activities are included in these rotations.

Students then review the list of preceptors, rotations descriptions, and rotation sites that have availability for Manchester students. Students prioritize their choices for each of the required and elective rotations. The rotations are then assigned to the students using a software system that incorporates student preferences with rotation availability/capacity. 

Q. How do I apply to precept Manchester students?
You may apply online as a preceptor or rotation site coordinator.  Use institution code: mupreceptor. Someone from Manchester’s Experiential Education department will get back to you shortly thereafter.

While preceptors are generally selected a year in advance, there are times when Manchester may need to request a rotation during the year.

Each site must also sign an affiliation agreement / contract with Manchester University.

Q. As a prospective student, how can I learn more about the Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations? 
We provide a manual for you to learn more about these experiences as a preceptor. You can learn more in the Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations Manual

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